Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Wear safety goggles! Almonds are deadly.

A PSA, FYI whatever. I am a klutz, but I am sure those that read this know that. Big SHOCKER!! Yesterday as I was grinding almonds up with agave, and water (yes, that's all!) to make Ice Kreme, I got hit in the eye with an almond and agave on my face. Now, how does this happen to one? One friend (hi!! Grasshopper!) asked why I didn't have the lid on the blender and said "safety first mom!". Funny thing is, I did have the lid on! I was blending away (with the lid secure) and when it was done, I removed the lid and an air bubble had formed and as my eyes looked over the rim one of the almonds jumped out to save it's life from becoming a yummy ice kreme and hit me in the eye ball! Dude! Really?! Only me. The funny thing is, I have a window right where my blending area is and the sun was going down and hitting me in the eye ( no pun intended) and I thought to myself I should put my sunglasses on. Yeah should have.

Ice kreme setting up, will let you know all about it tomorrow! Today's food was not fun. One word "Groats" sound like gross, and that's what it was, pictured below. I think I actually gagged a bite down. It tasted like wheatgrass, and was to be like oatmeal. Yeah right. Lunch was cheez sauce (made in post below) with Flax crackers made by Licious Dishes (nom nom) dinner... Um. Yeah it was taco Tuesday down the street. I had a fish taco, grilled though!! Snacks were an orange, pear, and a nasty wrongly made Starbucks.


  1. I squirted Sriracha sauce in my eye the other day (if that makes you feel any better).

  2. Oh ouch!!! That is hurting me thinking about it!!!
